
ABE Programme Committee Meeting – June 2012

Published: 12:00 AM on July 03, 2012

On Saturday, June 16, 2012 the Centre for Certified Professional Programmes (CCPP) held its Association of Business Executives (ABE) Programme Committee Meeting for the period July, 2011 to June, 2012. In attendance were staff from ABE Course Administration and Central Academic Administration, lecturers and student representatives from each campus.


At the start of the meeting, the nine (9) ABE prize winners from SBCS and their respective lecturers were congratulated on their hard work and great achievements.


Whilst the student representatives raised several issues, they also commended SBCS on the quality of the lecturers, interactive classes, the physical facilities and the implementation of the Life Skills training courses to assist in the creation of effective learners.


The meeting also provided a forum for the lecturers to discuss the old NQF and the new QCF syllabi, where it was agreed that new QCF framework is more student friendly. Regarding the delivery of the programme, mention was made of the use of mock examinations, revision kits, reference texts and more collaboration by lecturers based on specialist areas.


We thank the lecturers and the students for attending the meeting and providing invaluable input, which will be used towards the continued improvement of the delivery of the programme.


The next meeting of the ABE lecturers will be scheduled in six (6) months with smaller team meetings based on specialist areas to be held over the coming month.


Category: Events