
Trading-in the Chalkboard – SBCS hosts free Digital Education seminar for secondary school teachers

Published: 4:27 PM on July 24, 2016

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During the period July 13 – 18, 2016, SBCS welcomed ninety (90) secondary school teachers and trainers to our campuses, for a free workshop on digital environments for teaching and learning. The seminar, titled “From Cloud to Classroom”, gave attendees the opportunity to explore a range of key themes and technologies in digital education. The sessions were facilitated by two (2) of the vanguards for, and advocates of technology integration in SBCS’ learning environment, Messieurs Derek Haqq and Karmalain Manohar.


The workshop was held at three (3) of SBCS’ campuses; Champs Fleurs (July 13), San Fernando (July 15) and Trincity (July 18).  At each session, attendees were introduced to, and engaged in practical exercises with online and collaborative technologies for learning.  Among the topics discussed were Trends in Education, Technology Integration versus Technology Infusion, The Flipped Classroom and Screencasts.   A fun Q&A segment, in the style of Jeopardy, was used at the end of each session to recap the day’s material as well as clarify any concerns that the attendees had.


The seminar was influenced by SBCS’ practical experience with experimenting with the tools introduced.  Over the past twenty-nine (29) years, SBCS has grown from offering qualifications in Business and Computer Science, to Media and Communications, Engineering, Graphic Design, and Purchasing and Logistics to name a few. A key element of our success in the delivery of these qualifications has been the integration of technology in our teaching and learning environment. Such integration has been, and continues to be critical for us to keep pace with where and how our learners access and assimilate information.  In addition, it also serves to familiarise them with the online and collaborative tools with which they will interface in the workplace.


We thank our colleagues in Education for accepting our invitation to the workshop, and look forward to future collaborations of this sort in times to come.