
San Fernando Campus hosts Divali Show

Published: 12:00 AM on October 25, 2011

Students, along with staff of the San Fernando Campus, hosted a beautiful Divali Show on Thursday, October 20th. The programme featured a Divali song sung by Campus Staff, a modeling segment with both male and female students displaying very trendy Indian wear, and student Anthony Sahadeo playing the electric guitar.

The show’s hosts, Arianne Khadoo and Aaron Bahadur, did an exceptional job as they escorted the audience through the progranme.

The message of Divali was clear throughout, as the light from the deyas brought added joy, happiness, truth and knowledge to the occasion.

From the staff and students of the San Fernando Campus,

May this Divali bring you the utmost in peace and prosperity,
May lights triumph over darkness,
May peace transcend the earth,
May the spirit of light illuminate the world
May the light that we celebrate at Divali show us the way and lead us
together on the path of peace and social harmony “WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY DIVALI”.



Category: Events