Published: 12:00 AM on March 03, 2013
SBCS would like to extend congratulations to Raymond Law, University of London, BSc (Hons) ISM student, who was selected as our “Spot the Library User” promotion winner for the month of February.
The most recent venture headed by our Central Academic Administration unit, the “Spot the Library User” promotion entails taking random pictures of students using our libraries, with one photographed student receiving a token at the end of each month. The promotion is geared towards encouraging students to take advantage of library offerings and thus increase overall awareness of its services and modern facilities.
Stay tuned for more upcoming library events for March 2013:
• Easter Egg Hunt – registration commences March 11 – 22, 2013 at the Champs Fleurs Library.
• Spot the Library User – March 2013 Promotion