Published: 12:00 AM on July 11, 2011
Stuart Allan, Terence McDonald and Shelagh Barker of the University of Greenwich arrived in Trinidad for the Biannual Study School hosted by SBCS in collaboration with the University of Greenwich’s School of Architecture and Construction. The Study School was held at both the San Fernando and Champs Fleurs Campuses from July 6 – 8, 2011 for new and continuing students of the Bachelor of Science Honours in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment, the Master of Science in Occupational Hygiene and the Master of Science in Safety, Health and Environment programmes, offered in the Caribbean exclusively at SBCS.
Mr. Stuart Allan, MSc BSc Cert San Sci. DipEH MIIRM, Senior Lecturer.
Mr. Terry McDonald, BSc, DipOH, FFOH, ROH, MIOSH, Principal Lecturer: Occupational Health and Safety.
Ms. Shelagh Barker, Distance Learning Administrator.