

Published: 12:00 AM on January 14, 2009

Two representatives visit in February 2009

The University of Sunderland will be sending two representatives to SBCS during the period February 5th to February 8th, 2009 to perform the annual Quality Assurance assessments on the delivery of their Degree programs and the suitability of SBCS to continue to deliver these programs on their behalf in Trinidad and Tobago.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Mr. David Fleming and the Associate Dean – Resources Ms Vivian Kinnard will be visiting SBCS to conduct these assessments. During their visit, proposal discussions pertaining to the re-commencement of the BEng program at our Campus. This is of particular importance since the inquiries on this program have been numerous and will provide a suitable outlet for our students wishing to pursue a career in Engineering .

Category: News