
Graduation 2021 | Postponement of Graduation Portrait Photography

Published: 11:16 AM on May 06, 2021

It is with an abundance of caution that we have decided to postpone our Portrait Graduation photography sessions that were scheduled to be held at our Champs Fleurs campus on 15th and 22nd May 2021. 
We were looking forward to commemorating your achievements with you, but we do not want to risk anyone’s health and wellness given the current rise in reported confirmed cases of the COVID‐19 virus.
We will continue to be guided by the recommendations and advisories of the Ministry of Health and other concerned authorities and will advise on revised dates once the current situation abates.
Please continue to follow our Graduation​ and COVID-19 pages for event and campus updates.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and cooperation as we navigate these challenging times together.