
Passing of Ms. Katy Ann Marshall

Published: 6:38 PM on October 04, 2016

The SBCS community is deeply saddened by the news that Ms. Katy Ann Marshall has passed away.

For many years Katy Ann was one of SBCS’ main full time IT lecturers. At one time, she was the main Web Engineering lecturer, and many of our University of Greenwich (UOG) BSc Computing and Information Systems graduates were shaped by her.  Known by all her students as “Super K”, she was a larger than life character.  She was a most gifted and caring teacher who touched many lives.

Though she no longer lectured with us full time, she continued teaching, albeit on a part time basis, and had only recently completed the UOG Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education.

A few weeks ago, she informed the Executive Director of her plans to start her Phd in Computer Science at Monroe College in the US. She reminded him that while at SBCS, she had completed both her MSc (ISM) and PGcert, and because of these awards, she was now able to move on to her doctorate.

She will be missed.

Category: News