Course Brief

Everything in our environment communicates to us, in some way. Those things that are man-made often seek to communicate highly specific things. These may be functional, as in visual information to help us find our way, or they may be abstract, seeking to make us feel something. Whether it is a photograph or an icon on a smartphone screen, the ability to communicate information, intention or ideas through visual methods is considered within the field of ‘communications’ and it can inform every aspect of the creative industries.

This unit aims to support students in exploring communications techniques and methodologies relevant to a specific field of study. The ability to communicate visually is a fundamental skill for all specialist fields within the creative industries. Potential audiences, clients and customers are looking for increasingly sophisticated visual stimuli and creative industry practitioners are continually challenged to come up with innovative ways to communicate their creative intentions.

  • This course is offered in 60 contact hours

By the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Discuss communication, in the creative industries, through historical and contemporary precedent research.
  2. Analyse a brief to define the context of a communication strategy.
  3. Develop a communication strategy, through experimentation, in response to a given brief.
  4. Present a communication strategy and finished work in relation to a given brief.

Unit level: 4
Credit value: 15