Course Brief

Quality Information systems are critical to the success of many organisations. Underpinning the development of such quality systems is the application of pertinent development methodologies. An understanding of how Information systems methodologies can support the development of quality applications is an important skill required by any IS professional.   The main aims of this course are to:
  • Consider the underlying components of a generic development methodology and its place in the modern environment.
  • Consider the significance of Rapid Applications Development (RAD) techniques within a modern development environment.
  • Explore the future direction of development methods in industry.
  • Consider the professional and ethical issues relating to information systems development.

  • This course is offered in 60 hours

On completing this course successfully you will be able to:

  • Critically evaluate the significance of a methodology/framework within an IS development environment.
  • Apply the principles, concepts and techniques of a RAD methodology to a given development environment.
  • Appreciate the issues impacting upon the future development and use of methods in industry.
  • Discuss professional and ethical issues relating to information systems development.

Systems development methodologies

The concept of a methodology, method development, problems with methods.The human dimension, organisational aspects, the need for a methodology, requirements of an Information systems methodology, criteria for selection of a methodology.
Rapid Applications Development/Agile techniques
General RAD concepts – prototyping, time boxing DSDM method: background to the method, framework of the method, DSDM principles, time versus functionality, when to use the method, technology support. The agile approach, relationship to RAD, managing an agile approach.

The future of methods
The problem with methods. Issues impacting upon use of methods in industry.

Professional and ethical issues
The role of the professional in IS development, understanding different ethical approaches, the need for codes of ethics/codes of conduct.

Coursework – 100%