Course Brief
This course takes a critical look at best current theory and practice in software engineering, in particular the frameworks and lifecycle architectures for the development of enterprise software. It examines issues relating to software management to provide a background in principles and methods and enable the student to perform a critical analysis of the broader technical and managerial issues that are encountered by software engineers in the software engineering process. This course also covers modern quality standards for enterprise software engineering.
- 70 Hours
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Give a critical analysis of the issues and problems associated with the production of large scale software systems.
- Critically assess and select alternative development strategies.
- Describe and critically discuss software quality assurance management, software management. standards.
- Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, codes of conduct and practice and computer law.
- The software development life-cycle, contemporary hybrid processes, comparison of milestone driven and agile approaches.
- Quality assurance and quality management systems (SEI CMM, ISO9000).
- Ethics, computer law and professionalism.
- Software product lines and software factories.
- Enterprise patterns and processes, layered and tiered architectures, architectural design patterns.
- Software metrics , estimation and risk assessment.
Coursework – 50% – 3000 words.
An academic style written paper critically evaluating current best practice.
Exam – 50%
Examination offered in December of each year.