Course Brief


This unit aims to develop learners' understanding of the history of moving image editing, and provide them with the skills needed to edit film and video to professional standards.

Unit abstract

In this unit learners will study the development of editing technology and practices for film and television, and their application in specific film and television contexts.

They will learn the importance of an orderly approach to organising the edit environment. They will develop their understanding of the styles and techniques available and will explore the creative options open to an editor when working in a production team. In a vocational context video editing requires attention to detail, digital literacy and working closely with directors in order to define the intention of the original idea. Learners will be expected to work professionally and collaborate effectively in order to achieve this.

  • This course is offered in 48 contact hours

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

1      Understand the development of film and video editing technology and practice

2      Be able to organise the edit environment

3      Be able to edit film and video

4      Be able to reflect on own editing work