Course Brief

The course is designed to facilitate and support students to: develop an individual research project relevant to management practice; acquire and try out data collection skills; demonstrate their understanding of what research is, how it is designed, carried out, and reported on; demonstrate a critical approach to existing and published research; demonstrate their competence in writing a well-structured and elaborated research report. It is recognized that undergraduate students may have a variety of strengths and preferences in their approach to accessing and evaluating research evidence. For this reason this course allows students to choose from various primary and/or secondary data collection methods. A highly critical approach to the topic is essential.

  • This course is offered in 60 hours

On completing this course successfully you will be able to:

• understand the process of planning, researching and writing an original piece of work;
• research methodologies relating to primary and/or secondary research;
• define and analyse a complex business problem, along with an ability to integrate academic knowledge and practical applications;
• make judgements about the quality and authenticity of data, to be sensitive to ethical issues related to research activities;
• manage a large, sustained task independently and to plan and control a project over an extended period and to meet deadlines;
• format an academic manuscript effectively;
• use appropriate research support software tools;
• critically assess theoretical concepts and formulate appropriate conceptual frameworks, synthesize and reflect upon a range of sources, learn from experience and apply theory;
• search for appropriate academic journals, and disseminate information effectively;
• develop high standards in interpreting research data accurately;
• present and discuss data appropriately;
• draw meaningful conclusions and, where appropriate make viable recommendations.

Characteristics of a good research question; Planning and structuring your project; Referencing, citing; Critical analysis; What is the purpose of a literature review; Research paradigms and conceptual frameworks; Qualitative methods (collecting and processing data); Quantitative methods (collecting and processing data); Mixed methods (triangulating data); Research Ethics; Presenting and discussing data; Writing research.

Students sign-up with a supervisor at the beginning of the academic year. In term A, groups of students have weekly sessions facilitated by their supervisors, where students develop a research design for their individual projects. In term B, when students start carrying out their research projects (collecting and processing data, and write up their dissertation), students have both one-to-one with their supervisors as well as group sessions, depending on the particular needs of students. In terms A and B, weekly lectures are provided to support the student-supervisor relationship, offering introductions to methodology, methods, chapter structure, referencing. A number of tools and example dissertations are available through Moodle and the Course Warehouse to further support the student-supervisor relationship.

Learning Time (1 credit = 10 hours)

Scheduled contact hours

Include in scheduled time: project supervision, demonstrations, practical classes and workshops, supervised time in studio or workshop, scheduled lab work, fieldwork, external visits.
Lectures 20
Supervised practical sessions
Tutorials 12
Formative assessment
Other scheduled time 10
Guided independent study

Include in guided independent study preparation for scheduled sessions, follow up work, wider reading or practice, revision:
Independent coursework 258
Independent laboratory work
Other non-scheduled time
Placements and year abroad:
Work placements
Work-based learning
Year abroad
Other placement
Total hours

(Should be equal to credit x 10) 300

Draft Literature Review – 10%
3000 words.
Critical analysis of peer-reviewed research in relation to the research question.
Pass mark – 40%

Research Ethics Form – 0%
Students fill out the form provided by FREC.

Dissertation – 90%
10,000 words.
Dissertation consisting of executive summary, introduction, lit review, findings, discussion, conclusion, references.
Pass mark – 40%

  • The course is designed to facilitate and support students to: develop an individual research project relevant to management practice; acquire and try out data collection skills; demonstrate their understanding of what research is, how it is designed, carried out, and reported on; demonstrate a critical approach to existing and published research; demonstrate their competence in writing a well-structured and elaborated research report. It is recognized that undergraduate students may have a variety of strengths and preferences in their approach to accessing and evaluating research evidence. For this reason this course allows students to choose from various primary and/or secondary data collection methods. A highly critical approach to the topic is essential.