Course Brief
This syllabus applies knowledge, skills and exercise professional judgement in the application and evaluation of financial reporting principles and practices in a range of business contexts and situations.
- This course is offered in 70 hours
On successful completion of this paper candidates
should be able to:
- Discuss the professional and ethical duties of the accountant.
- Evaluate the financial reporting framework.
- Advise on and report the financial performance of entities.
- Prepare the financial statements of groups of entities in accordance with relevant accounting standards.
- Explain reporting issues relating to specialised entities.
- Discuss the implications of changes in accounting regulation on financial reporting.
- Appraise the financial performance and position of entities.
- Evaluate current developments
Course Content
- The professional and ethical duty of the accountant.
- The financial reporting framework.
- Reporting the financial performance of entities.
- Financial statements of groups of entities.
- Specialised entities.
- Implications of changes in accounting regulation on financial reporting.
- The appraisal of financial performance and position of entities.
- Current developments.
The syllabus is assessed by:
- A three-hour 15 minutes examination.
- It examines professional competences within the corporate reporting environment.
- Students will be examined on concepts, theories, and principles, and on their ability to question and comment on proposed accounting treatments.
- The paper will comprise two sections:
Section A Compulsory question 50 marks
Section B 2 from 3 questions. - 5 marks each 50 marks = 100 marks.
- Section A will consist of one scenario based
question worth 50 marks.