Course Brief

Introduction to Digital Technology is a foundation course for the Creative Media Production, Graphic Design, Media and Communications and Mass Communications pathways. This course is designed for secondary school students to understand, communicate and adapt to a digital world as it impacts their personal life, society and the business world. It will expose students to foundational knowledge in hardware, software, networks, and IT support. Learners will be required to identify, describe, evaluate, select and use appropriate technology. Various forms of technologies will be highlighted to expose students to the emerging technologies impacting the digital world and the legal and ethical constraints which impact on them.

  • 60 Contact Hours

On successful completion of this unit, a learner will:

  1. Identify, describe, evaluate, select and use appropriate technology.
  2. Understand, communicate and adapt to a digital world.
  3. Explain the basic components of computer networks.
  4. Describe, analyse, develop and follow policies for managing ethical and legal issues in a technology-based society.