Course Brief

Website Design is a foundation course for the Creative Media Production, Graphic Design, Media and Communications and Mass Communications pathways. This course is designed for post-secondary school students and industry practitioners to effectively use appropriate digital technology in various controlled environments (including computer-labs, studios etc.) before applying this knowledge to building a workable website for web which meets industry standards for a client or product of their choice. Learners will also be introduced to web design principles which will then be used to inform their practical application of techniques and procedures. Finally, learners will reflect on their practice in terms of its achievement of goals, technical and aesthetic qualities. Learners will begin this unit by evaluating existing websites, in the context of cross-platforms, range of browsers, and design features. Designing websites, which are accessible to all types of users is a fundamental aspect of any website design. This unit also considers the whole process from identification of need, design, implementation, testing, maintenance and review. It is important that learners do not just develop skills in specific techniques but are also able to select when and where they are most appropriate, basing this decision on client and user needs.

  • 60 Contact Hours

On successful completion of this unit, a learner will:

  1. Understand website design concepts
  2. Be able to design interactive websites
  3. Be able to implement interactive websites.
  4. Be able to test interactive websites.